Sunday, August 16, 2009

Going Home July'09

History lessons along the way.

The Missouri River where Lewis and Clark explored. The sign reads "Beware of Rattlesnakes"!We met an elderly couple in a RV park the night before who have a German Pointer dog. They were at this site and the dog promptly pointed out a rattlesnake in the grass to its owner!

This photo was specifically taken for a friend at home. What type is it?

Here's a closer look.
Well, a piano is too difficult to travel with...but not violins - the boys practice a number of times during the 3 week trip -even playing for mommy.
...or relaxing with a book.
We get a lot of looks and questions about our Airstream and the sedan towing it. Here's a mid- 1950's.

When Peter saw this couple on the motorcycle he said "That's how H____h and I are going to travel :) Somewhere in Montana before then next road sign...
"Continental Divide Elevation 6393" for those who need reading glasses like me.

1 comment:

Jon and Kel said...

too funny!! Peter sure has big plans!