Books were the theme in gifts - "Scout" from Opa and Oma

These from dear friends who have 3 boys and what fun these books are!

Some by Douglas Bond, Guns of Thunder and Guns of the Lion from dad and mom.
Peter used his gift money towards the purchase of an ebook reader! (also had the gift card from the practice a thon toward this goal)

Gideon was certain that Peter would love the Voyage of the Dawn Treader dvd. We enjoyed part of the afternoon watching the move.
Peter and his friend Nathan and Gideon enjoyed 2 1/4 hours in a local indoor waterpark to celebrate his birthday a few days earlier. It was a lot of fun going down the waterslides on tubes and through one that was dark!

Of course, what would a birthday be without a nature walk!

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Belated Happy Birthday!
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