Creation beauty and renewed friendships in Elkford. The town is named after the Elk River, which likely was named by explorers who observed vast numbers of elk along the river.
We were treated like royalty, at the "white house" by our dear friend, Val who is a fabulous cook and baker.

Good thing she took me on an hourly walk each day to burn off the calories!

Peter and Gideon had great fun with Justice, friends of Val's in the neighbourhood. Here they are having a watermelon eating contest, which was followed by throwing the rinds over the fence to see whose went the furthest. They road their bikes lots, had water fights, and had a camp out in 8 degree weather! Brrrr! Our boys have been climatized to sleeping in the Airstream and thus were chilled in the wild, wild west evening air! Next sleepover will be indoors.
We drove up the valley to see the local coal mine, which employs most of the townsfolk. We saw the typical mining trucks and coal.

What we didn't expect was the natural history there too! Dinosaur fossils preserved at the entrance to the coal mining operation. Gideon was amazed and can't wait to tell Liam and Nathaniel!

On the route back to town, we discovered a horned owl that had been hit on the highway. Not sure if this was legal, but we have a specimen for further learning!

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