Day One (September 15) -arrival by bus from Calgary. Knights Peter and Gideon were big helpers.
The manor as it looked before the hard working painter/labourer began his work.

-awnings are gone, trees are pruned, sheers taken down = house is much brighter inside.

Escaping the work and relaxing at the end of the day...

The manor had an in-house cook, bottle washer, launderer, ironer, children's book reader for the duration of the "work holiday". What a delight to not have too cook supper after a hard day of work painting, hauling brush....

Following a wonderful feast, energy was at a high point and the knights wrestled one last time on the pink carpet.

Knight Gideon prepared to work with tape measure on belt, pencil behind ear and a patch on the forehead to prove he's "Gideon the strong!" (the result of hurting the brick fireplace when his head hit it requiring a visit to the local ER for stiches -he's recovered well).

The manor of the house, the builder knight, Gideon, and Opa preparing the livingroom floor for laminate.

The beautiful manor livingroom, following the lord's hard work one Saturday morning.

Break time - opening one of the two birthday gift packages sent by the Lady's sisters. The knights proceeded to pop bubble wrap for the next days........
Kitchen reno next blog.
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