Valentines Day "chinook", 12 degrees Celsius! and sunshine.

Both boys are involved in the newly formed "Hallelujah" Boys' Choir, with weekly rehearsals and concerts. (see April Concerts for photos, hopefully videos too!)

Peter participated in the local Registered Music Teachers Association 'Practice-A-Thon' fundraiser, practicing the highest amount of hours in his age category and raising the highest amount of funds overall! He won a $25 gift card for the local music store (which he graciously gave to his mother!) and a $100 Future shop gift card which he was delighted to purchase his ebook reader (with additional birthday funds -thank you Omas and Opa :)
"Now I don't have to drag all my books in the car to Ontario this summer!" exclaimed Peter.
Thanks to all who supported him in various ways.

Gideon participated in "Put it on Paper" class at the Arts Centre

Peter enjoyed "Clay Wheel" pottery class

Both enjoy sports programs at the YMCA: swimming lessons, gymnastics, volleyball, track and field etc. Gideon hanging on!