Sunday, January 18, 2009

Skiing new heights!

We were delighted to join Uncle Henry and his friend, Jeff who came to ski the Rockies and spend time with us skiing. The awesome beauty of God's creation was all around us.

Day One - beautiful sunshine and mild temperatures greeted us on the slopes.
Jeff and Peter and Gideon waiting before we skied from the lodge down to the chairlift for the first run. Gideon had a lesson first to prepare for the two days of skiing.

Jeff and Henry on top of the main run.

Henry, Albert, Geraldine, Peter and Gideon. Notice the Rockies in the distance! We are partway down the main run at about 550m vertical.

Relaxing in the sunshine before lunch. The lodge we stayed in was fantastic.
Notice how warm it is -Geraldine without a coat! Well, actually, I skied 3/4 of the main run with Gideon between my legs to be able to return to the lodge which was located mid-hill! What a workout with that "heavy" boy! (Jeff discovered how heavy Gideon is when he jokingly brought him up to bed, carrying him -yikes!)

Boys and men relaxing after a long day of skiing.

Day Two - the weather was still mild, but overcast. We enjoyed a second day of wonderful skiing. Unfortunately Albert pulled a muscle the previous afternoon, so was utilizing the hot tub late morning with Gideon joining him. Peter on the other hand didn't want to stop for lunch. Gideon joined us again for the last hour of skiing. Peter reluctantly took his last run late afternoon when it was time to head home.

We enjoyed two wonderful days of skiing and a wonderful lodge with fantastic amenities. However, home is always the sweetest. Jeff and Henry spend a night with us -thanks for dinner! Gideon became great pals with Jeff and they both enjoyed their favourite toast the next morning - with brown sugar!
Peter is recovering here from Uncle Henry tickling his feet!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gatherings with Albert's family

On Boxing Day we gathered with Albert's family at Uncle Harry and Aunt Janey's home. Here is Oma.

True to form, Aunt Joyce spoiled the boys with Playmobil and Lego.
Things were going well for packing carry on luggage, until Aunt Joyce delightedly approached with a very large gift, stating "I couldn't not buy it!".
The boys had the pleasure of opening that gift twice, upon its arrival via the post at home.
It was enjoyable to spend time with everyone on Boxing Day. Thank you for your love and kindness to us all.

We also enjoyed a visit with Uncle Scott and Aunt Anita and the girls and of course, Sir Gideon enjoyed Justice and "walked" him with Uncle Scott's assistance. Notice their heights!
One of the delightful sights we enjoyed during our many travels during the holidays. God's creation beauty is throughout this vast land. We are thankful particularly for His re-creation in our hearts and yours. May He give you many times of creation celebration in this new year.

Christmas family visits

We had a wonderful time with Geraldine's family renewing relationships and get updated on the news. Family traditions are often maintained at Christmas time and here one of Uncle Henry's traditions is being upheld by his son, Aaron and Sir Gideon!
Much more subdued and focused on the yummy food were Sir Peter and Eric.
One of my dear sisters, Bernice and Lilla provide a more traditional pose.
Another family tradition maintained here by Uncle Alan, not Opa -well at the moment!
Some quieter times were also enjoyed at Aunt Bernice and Uncle Gord's home. Sir Peter challenging Thomas in a game of chess and learning new strategies to utilized against the lord of the castle.
Lilla and Eric were wonderful playmates for our knights throughout the holidays.While Sir Peter was watching a Junior A Hockey game with Uncle Henry & Aunt Joanne, and his cousins, Sir Gideon was being educated and entertained by Uncle Gord. Then we watched the game with Aunt Bernice and Uncle Gord on TV in warmth and with popcorn!On Christmas Eve, Sir Gideon received a motorcycle (the kind allowed at the castle, for now:)Sir Peter was delighted to receive ski goggles --- skiing ahead :)
Cousin James and Christina and the girls who had much fun with the knights.
Christmas Day visit at Opa and Oma's. Sir Gideon was a little pale as he had a gift he didn't desire on Christmas Eve - the annual flu! That chocolate looked good to him if it had been at a different time. Thanks to Uncle Henry, the lord of the castle was picked up after his travels that day.
Sir Peter reading the Christmas card from Opa and Oma. Here is what we all looked like after all the festivities, eating and visiting. Thank you all for giving us a place to sleep, food to eat, and love that will help us through the months ahead. Love to all of you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Some days with Oma

The knights enjoyed times of fellowship and fun at Oma's place, much to her delight. Her expertise in dessert preparation was observed by both knights to their delight!
After a spirited game of monopoly, this young knight is enjoying another game with his uncle Harry and aunt Janey.
Puzzling crosswords for Sir Gideon were the activity of this night at Oma's place.

En route -December 12

Remove Formatting from selectionAlthough not used in medieval times, these knights were on a Progress from the lands of their lord to lands beyond.

The knights were tired....
but not wandering sheep....
...eventually arriving at their destination.

December Gift Giving

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Prior to an excursion through the air to feast and celebrate with family and friends, the knights and the lord of the castle enjoyed some gift giving and receiving. The lord of the manor received a "lighted" cap for use while preparing feasts on the BBQ during the winter darkness.

The land upon which the castle resides is devoid of a stable so the knights will not be jousting on horses. Rather, this nation's favourite sport will be taken up by the knights in our "port" (not the one the lord of the castle prefers).
The lower environs of the castle where immediately used by the knights.